Product Resources

Our goal is to help you feel confident talking about and sharing Fina as a financial tool for your audience. Here you'll find helpful information about the features and functionality of as well as assets to share with your audience.

Fina features (what makes us different)

Fina is different than any other financial tracker in that it gives you complete control over how you track and view your finances. With notion-style pages and unique tracking blocks we enable users to create the custom tracking experiences that matter most to them.

Our pages and blocks are able to be modified to fit unique situations that arise within people’s financial lives. We feel the combination of real-time, cleaned financial data along with custom reporting gives us the ability to track the numbers better the anyone else.

Here’s a quick 1 minute preview of how it works:

Fina Onboarding Demo Final.mp4

Here are some other key features you may wish to highlight about Fina: